Games current state

It's been quite a while since I've updated on here if I ever did at all. Gobsekai has not been abandoned, nor will it be things had been very tough personally for a while but I'm back to it and going to work twice as hard on all my games that I have planned. 
Gobsekai is a little tough as I was having a very hard time feeling happy with the way anything looked and how it felt to play, So it's going through a revamp of sorts. As of current we have new models done and out of the way. Though there is no new build yet i just want to say thanks for all the support and follows and be ready for more to come soon.

Get Goblin Isekai Survive


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If you feel a revamp would be nice then so be it but looking forward for more for sure. Will support as soon as a patreon or subcribestar is available 


i'm keeping an eye on this, watching for the next build.

(1 edit)

I'm excited an can't wait for new updates and I hope your ok man, also is the discord link broken cause it keeps saying invite invalid.

Should still be good but just incase here it is again.
If that doesn't work still let me know and I'll create a new link.

yea it worked.